Hand-painted shirt in progress

Custom Clothes

To order one of my designs, customize your item, or book me for an event please reach out via email or instagram

Вiльнi. Нескоренi. Hand-painted jacket inspired by Tina Karol
Вiльнi. Нескоренi. Hand-painted jacket inspired by Tina Karol
Hand-painted jacket with dragon on the back and sign "courage to be kind"
Custom lettering shirt with Miley Cyrus lyrics from Flowers. I can take myself dancing and a disco ball drawing
Custom lettering shirt with Miley Cyrus lyrics from Flowers
A sign on the sleeve of the shirt saying "I can hold my own hand"
Sweaty Betty hand-painted lettering on a t-shirt
Flow, don't force hand-painted lettering on a t-shirt
Custom lettering hand-painted shirt with a sign "non-rational state of consciousness"
Custom shirt design. Dragon with a sign "courage to be kind"
Дивный новый мир футболка
Custom lettering jacket sign "the past is already gone"
Custom hand-painted shirt "the universe is looking through your eyes, breathing through your lunges, loving through your heart"
Вульвица футболка
Custom painted dr. Martens with lyrics by Florence and the Machine. I hear the music, I feel the beat and for a moment while I'm dancing I'm free